Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) secures optimal combination of strong structure, energy saving shell, and flexible design.

About ICF

Insulating Concrete Forms (ICFs) are form works for concrete that stay in place as permanent building insulation for ICF Block energy-efficient, cast-in-place, reinforced concrete walls, floors and roofs.

The forms are interlocking modular units that are dry-stacked (without mortar) and filled with concrete.

ICF modules are used for structural walls, floors and ceilings as well as non-bearing walls of a building.

Walls built with ICF creates a building envelope with a gap-free floor-to ceiling insulation that is insusceptible against moisture, heat/ cold, as well as natural disasters such as earthquake (up to 9.1 on Richter scale), tornados (up to 250 mph wind) and flooding

The use of Thermohaus ICF provides cost efficiencies in building completion

Easy & fast ICF block assembly on construction site

Pre-defined mounting points for electrical, plumbing and external / internal panel installations

Allows for individual shaping

Easy & fast ICF wall installation

Customizable modules for specific installation needs, e.g. piping channels

ICF Advantages

Building with ICF provides multiple major benefits

Comfort & Health

  • High sound proofing

  • Moisture prevention

Climate Impact

  • CO2 reduced construction

  • High thermal insulation

Energy Efficiency

  • Low heating & cooling costs

  • Eligible tax deduction

Disaster Protection

  • Earthquake and storm-proof

  • Flood and Fire protection


  • Recycled material

  • Reduced wood consumption

Construction Efficiency

  • Increased construction speed

  • 4-in-1 wall assembly

ICF  in Comparison

ICF offers significant advantages over conventional materials such as masonry, concrete, wood or steel